RBI launches Survey on Computer Software and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports.

The Reserve Bank of India on 24th June 2021 has launched its annual Survey on Computer Software and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) Exports. The information is collected from software and ITES/BPO/LLPs exporting companies on their computer software and IT enabled services export as at end-March of the latest Financial Year.

The respondent companies/LLPs/proprietorship firm can submit their responses within a month i.e by 31st July 2021 of the launch of the survey.

Since the access to the submission portal is CIN-based, any LLP/proprietorship firm that has computer software exports as on end-March of the financial year, it needs to obtain dummy CIN by sending a request mail on itesquery@rbi.org.in. Once the firm obtains this dummy CIN number from RBI, it can be used to submit the excel (*.xls) file for ITES survey.

Further, the companies have to submit only one form aggregating all the units in India.