IEPFA invites comments from stakeholders to simplify, expedite and streamline claims settlement process

The Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (IEPFA) is reaching out to stakeholders for their valuable insights to simplify, expedite and streamline the claims settlement process. In line with its commitment to enhancing investor experience, IEPFA is soliciting comments from various stakeholders to reimagine the refund process under the Companies Act, 2013. The aim is to ensure a seamless and efficient mechanism for claim refunds from IEPF Authority.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide their feedback through the following channels:

  1. Utilising the eConsultation module accessible at the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website
  2. Submitting suggestions via email to

The deadline for submitting comments is 15th April, 2024. Stakeholders are requested to submit their feedback in the prescribed format, which includes the Para of Draft Rules, Comments, and Justification through the link.