Central Government relaxes integrated tax leviable on goods useful against Covid 19

The Central Government through circular dated 14th June, 2021 has relaxed the integrated tax leviable on following goods by fixing the maximum rate of tax to be levied on the same. The notification is issued in view of second wave of Covid-19 outbreak;

  1. Medical Grade Oxygen
  2. Tocilizumab Nil
  3. Amphotericin B Nil
  4. Remdesvir
  5. Heparin (anti-coagulant)
  6. Covid-19 testing kits
  7. Inflammatory Diagnostic (marker) kits,
  8. Hand Sanitizer
  9. Helmets for use with non-invasive ventilation
  10. Gas/Electric/other furnaces for crematorium
  11. Pulse Oximeter
  12. High flow nasal canula device
  13. Oxygen Concentrator/ generator
  14. Ventilators
  15. Non-invasive ventilation nasal or oronasal masks for ICU ventilators
  16. Canula for use with ventilators
  17. Temperature check equipment
  18. Ambulances

This notification shall remain in force up to and inclusive of the 30th September, 2021.