SEBI streamlines the framework on Centralized Database for Corporate Bonds/Debentures.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 4th June 2021 has decided to further streamline the database and provide further ease of access of information for investors and it has provided an updated list of data fields to be maintained in the database along with the manner of filing the same.

The Stock Exchanges and Depositories shall develop a system such that information received by them is updated on the Centralized Database on a daily basis.

The Depositories   shall   continue   to   jointly   create, host, maintain and disseminate the  centralized  database  of  corporate  bonds,  which  are available  in  demat  form and it shall ensure to have adequate systems and safeguards to maintain the integrity of data and to prevent manipulation of data.

The revised framework shall be applicable for debt securities issued on or after 1st August 2021.