Government of Odisha directs to ensure strict Adherence to COVID vaccination operation guidelines.

The State Government of Odisha vide its notification dated 31st May 2021 has directed certain officials to ensure strict adherence to Covid-19 vaccination operation guidelines.

As per the Covid-19 vaccination guidelines, there are four options for carrying out Covid vaccination- 

  • Government Covid vaccination centre
  • Private Covid vaccination centre run by Private Hospitals
  • Work place Covid vaccination centre at government offices to be run by government hospitals and at private companies to be run by private Hospitals.
  • Near to Home Covid vaccination centre for elderly, differently-abled person to be organised at group housing societies, RWA offices, community centres, Panchayat Bhawan. Schools / colleges, old age homes etc on a temporary basis.

Therefore, MoHFW has communicated that apart from the above four options for carrying out Covid vaccination. There is no other avenue to carry out vaccination under the National Covid vaccination program and if any Covid vaccination is being carried out in hotels must be stopped immediately and necessary legal & administration action must be initiated against such institutions.