SEBI through circular dated April 29, 2021 has issued Addendum to SEBI Circular on “Relaxation in adherence to prescribed timelines issued by SEBI due to Covid 19 dated April 13, 2020. Itr has provided relaxation to processing of demat requests by intermediaries/market participants for compliances for equivalent period of lock down declared by Government of India i.e. 21 days, over and above the prescribed time limits.
SEBI has also extended the timeline for filing half-yearly Internal Audit Report (IAR) by RTAs within 45 days from the closure of the half year. It has now been decided that the timeline of May 15, 2021 for submission of IAR by RTAs for half year ended March 31, 2021 has been extended to July 31, 2021 in view of the Covid-19 situation.