The Ministry of Labour and Employment through notification dated 28.04.2021 has issued the Employees’ Deposit-Linked Insurance (Amendment) Scheme, 2021. The Employees’ Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 through amendment dated 15th February, 2018, fixed the minimum assurance benefit ceiling as two lakh and fifty thousand rupees for a period of two years, which expired on the 14th February, 2020. This amendment has extended the minimum assurance benefit ceiling with retrospective effect from the 15th day of February, 2020. This shall be in effect for a period of three years from the date of publication.
Guidelines on Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience for Regulated Entities in IFSCs
The key objective of these guidelines is to ensure that entities licensed, recognized, registered, or authorized by the IFSCA have in place robust mechanisms to