Liberalized Pricing and Accelerated National Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 21/04/2021 has issued Liberalized Pricing and Accelerated National Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy. The main elements of the Liberalized Pricing and Accelerated National
Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy that would come in effect from 1st May 2021, are as follows:-

  1. Vaccine manufacturers would supply 50% of their monthly Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL) released doses to Government of India and would be free to supply remaining 50% doses to State Governments and in the other than Government of India channel.
  2. Consequently the present dispensation where private Covid vaccination centers receive doses from Government and can charge up to Rs.250 per dose will cease to exist.
  3. Covid-19 vaccination will continue to be free for eligible population groups in all those Government Covid Vaccination Centers which received vaccine doses from Government. of India.
  4. The division of vaccine supply 50% to Govt. of India & 50% to other than Government of India channel would be applicable uniformly across for all vaccines manufactured in the country.
  5. However, the fully ready to use imported vaccine would be allowed to be utilized entirely in the other than Government of India channel.