All restaurants and hotels to remain closed in Maharashtra till 1st May 2021.

The State Government of Maharashtra on 13th April 2021 has issued Break the Chain order by imposing 15 day statewide curfew from 14th April 2021 amid the spike in corona virus cases in the state.

The government has put strict restrictions in place, several services will be unavailable for the next 15 days. During the curfew, the state government has ordered that restaurants and bars will remain closed for dining. However, home delivery services will be allowed during the curfew period and Restaurants and bars inside hotels are to be open only for in-house guest.

All home deliveries to buildings housing more than 1 family should be restricted to the entrance of the building and internal movement of the delivery should be dedicated to the staff of the building.

However the units that manufacture items needed for essential services as per the order to remain operational with full capacity. 

Any default on Covid Appropriate Behaviour will attract a fine of Rs 1000/- on the offender and fine of Rs 10,000 will be levied on the establishment. Repeated offence may be lead to withdrawal of licenses or permissions for operations till notification for COVID 19 epidemic remains in force.