SEBI Board meeting approves to amend major regulations.

The security and Exchange Board of India on Board meeting dated 25th March 2021, has released the decisions taken by the board meeting held on the same day. The board has decided to introduce following revisions to SEBI Regulations.

  • The Board has approved the proposals with respect to framework of Innovators Growth platform   (IGP) under SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018.
  • Amendment to SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012.
  • Amendments to Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in relation to applicability, constitution and role of the Risk Management Committee (RMC) of listed entities.
  • Amendments to the SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009, primarily with an objective to make the delisting process more transparent and efficient
  • Amendment to the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020, mandating Portfolio Managers to obtain prior approval of SEBI for change in control.
  • The Board has decided to introduce new requirements for sustainability reporting by listed entities. This new  report  shall  be  called  the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) and shall replace the existing Business Responsibility Report.
  • Board approved the proposal for intermediaries to pay fees only through online payment gateway and doing away with physical mode of payment to encourage digital payment.

Further, The Board approved the SEBI Budget for the financial year 2021-22.