Revision of Minimum Wage Rate in State of Madhya Pradesh

The Labour Department of Madhya Pradesh on 13th March, 2024 issued a notification regarding the revised minimum wage rates, including variable dearness allowance. The revised rates shall be effective from 01th April, 2024 for the workers of the state under the Minimum Wage Act, 1948.

The minimum wage rates for workers in various scheduled employments of the State have been revised, based on All India Consumer Price Index ranging from January to June, 2019.  Under the above subject, the minimum wage rates in a total of 67 employments have been made effective by appropriating the variable dearness allowance declared so far. The average index for the six months from July to December, 2023 has been 400, hence due to this there has been an increase of average points above the average of the All India Consumer Price Index recognized in the last six months. Hence the need to revise the wage rates for the employees.

The notification outlines that the revised rates have been divided amongst schedules specifying the categories of laborers to whom the rates shall be applicable. The Schedules are divided as laborers falling under the working class, employees in slate pencil manufacturing factories, employees in printing press, Government Department, Agricultural planning, beedi planning and agarbatti planning. The laborers are divided into the unskilled, semi skilled, skilled and highly skilled laborers dividing the rates among the parameters of  minimum salary, Variable dearness allowance and total salary.