Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (First Amendment) Order, 2021

The Department Of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare on 9th March, 2021 has issued the Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (First Amendment) Order, 2021. The amendment provides that food including fresh fruits for consumption imported from South Korea shall be free from

  • Aculus schlechtendali (Apple rust mite)
  • Adoxophyes orana (Summer fruit tortrix)
  • Botryosphaeria berengeriana f.sp. pyricola (Physalospora canker)
  • Carposina sasakii (peach fruit moth)
  • Grapholita molesta (oriental fruit moth)
  • Harmonia axyridis(harlequin ladybird)
  • Metcalfa pruinosa (frosted moth-bug)
  • Peridroma saucia (pearly underwing moth)

Dried and grinded herb for human consumption imported from Argentina does not require any additional declarations to be incorporated into Phytosanitary Certificate.