SEBI directs, registered intermediaries to upload the KYC of LE Accounts on the CKYCR Portal.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India on 10th March 2021 has rolled out the Legal Entities Template which is made available by CERSAI in  the  Operationalization  of  Central  KYC  Records  Registry  (CKYCR)test environment ( enabling  RIs  to develop necessary infrastructure.

RIs (registered intermediaries) shall ensure that in case of LE accounts opened prior to April 1, 2021, the KYC records are uploaded on to  CKYCR  when  the updated  KYC  information  is obtained/received  from  the client. RIs  shall  ensure  that during such receipt of updated  information,  the clients’  KYC  details  are  migrated  to  current Client Due Diligence (CDD) standards.

Once KYC identifier is generated by CKYCR, the RIs would have ensure that the same is communicated to the legal entity.

The above provision shall not be applicable to Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs).