Government of Uttarkhand has restricted and prohibited the use of plastic in the entire state.

The State Government of Uttarkhand on 2nd March 2021 has modified the Uttarkhand Plastic and Other Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Regulation of Use and Disposal) Act, 2013 by inserting new provision for restriction and prohibition of use of plastic in the entire state of uttarkhand.

No person shall knowingly or otherwise sale, trade, manufacture, import, store or carry polythene carry bags of any shape, however bio compostable plastic bags and polybags more than 50 micron thickness used for handling will be excluded.

The authorities or owners of places of religious worship or institutions, multiplex, hotels and restaurants, cafe, mobile food counters or vans, caterers and other such places like marriage or party halls, offices or institutions and the outdoor event shall be responsible for ensuring strict compliance of the aforesaid provisions and they shall provide space for collection of plastic waste within their campus and returning the same to the concerned manufacturer or retailers or supplier; or to recyclers, duly registered with Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board.

Further through this amendment, the penalty rates have been revised as follows.

For the Manufacturer/transporter – Rs. 2.lakh and for Whole seller/Traders – Rs. 1 lakh and every induvial users shall pay a fine of Rs.100.