The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide its notification dated 18th December 2020 has published the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) First Amendment Regulations, 2020 to further amend the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018.
Through this amended a new regulation 2.1.3 has been inserted which states that the Indian brandy shall be made either from neutral spirit or rectified spirit or a mixture of both. On the label, the name ‘Indian Brandy’ shall be followed by a statement within brackets as ‘made from molasses spirit/grain spirit/neutral spirit’ with a font size that is easily readable. The font size of the words ‘Indian’ and ‘Brandy’ shall be same.
Further under regulation 3.1.3 the term fortified wine has been substituted as follows:
Fortified wine is a wine with high alcohol content achieved by the addition of alcohol (brandy or wine spirits or neutral spirit of agricultural origin) provided a minimum 7 .0 per cent comes from fermentation of grapes, grape must and fruits and used as aperitif or dessert wine. Fortified wine may be red or white, dry or sweet.