The Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Amendment Regulations, 2020.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India vide its notification dated 10th November 2020 has invited Objections and suggestions on Draft Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Foods) Amendment Regulations, 2020.

The Amendment is brought under regulation 7 which deals with packaging and labelling requirements in which every package of food, fortified with Iron shall carry a statement “People with Thalassemia may take under medical supervision and persons with Sickle Cell Anemia are advised not to consume iron fortified food products.

Further under schedule-I which specifies standards for fortification of foods in which the milk powder, when fortified, shall be fortified with such levels of Vitamin A and D, so that the final reconstituted fortified milk shall comply with the levels of micronutrients specified in Clause 3 of Schedule-I related to Fortified Milk‟, when constituted as per the directions mentioned on the product label.



IFSCA (Listing) Regulations, 2024

IFSCA’s listing regulations represent a comprehensive framework designed to bolster the transparency, sustainability, and overall integrity of India’s financial markets. By mandating detailed disclosures, emphasizing

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