Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board vide its order dated 10th June 2020 informed levying of Environmental Compensation Charges against Healthcare Facilities (HCs) for violations of the provisions of the Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016.
As per the recent order issued by APPCB, all the Regional Officers were directed to inform all the Health Care Establishments (HCFs) and Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities (CBMWTFs) about the guidelines issued by the CPCB on Management of Healthcare Waste as per BMWM Rules, 2016 and on the provisions to levy of Environmental Compensation charges against them. The order also directed to initiate action against the defaulting HCFs and CBMWTFs in respective jurisdiction and submit action taken report to the concerned Zonal Office to levy Environmental Compensation charges as per CPCB guidelines.
Further, all the Zonal Officers are directed to submit proposals to the Task force Cell and Board Office based on ROs Action Taken Reports with details of Environmental Compensation charges to be levied against the defaulting HCFs & CBMWTFs as per CPCB Guidelines.
Click here to read the notification.