Key Initiatives to Boost Industrial Growth: attracting investments

Make in India, Start-up India, PM GatiShakti, National Industrial Corridor Programme, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, promoting Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) and reducing compliance burden, National Single Window System (NSWS), India Industrial Land Bank, Project Monitoring Group (PMG), liberalization of FDI policy, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Schemes, Indian Footwear and Leather Development Programme (IFLDP) Scheme are some of the major initiatives of the Department to boost industrial growth in the country.

Faster Rights Issue process: new SEBI guidelines

It is being specified that Rights Issue shall be kept open for subscription for a minimum period of seven days and for a maximum period of thirty days. Validation of application bids received for subscribing to the shares in Rights Issue and finalization of basis of allotment shall also be carried out by the Stock Exchanges and Depositories along with the Registrar to the issue.

New Shipbuilding and Repair Policy

Maritime India Vision, 2030 has set a target to elevate India’s global ranking in shipbuilding in top 10 and the vision as per the Maritime Amrit Kaal Vision, 2047 is to reach within top 5 positions.