SEBI permits stock brokers to upload same mobile number/E-mail address for more than one client belonging to same family
SEBI has clarified that, under exceptional circumstances, a stock broker may, at the specific written request of a client, upload the same mobile number/E-mail address for more than one client provided such client belong to one family (in case of individual clients) or such client is the authorised person of an HUF, Corporate, Partnership or Trust(in case of non-individual clients).
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2024
The amendment provides that every participant shall provide an option to the beneficial owner to nominate, in the manner as may be specified, a person to whom the securities held by him shall vest in the event of his death.
SEBI clarification to Intermediaries, Stock Exchanges, Clearing Corporations, Depositories and Participants
Curative actions currently being carried out by some digital platforms are in accordance with law. Preventive steps contemplated for any digital platform to get notified as SDP is not mandatory and it is for the platform to opt or not opt for getting notified as SDP.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Merchant Bankers) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024
The amendment provides that a merchant banker shall submit to the Board complete particulars of the transaction for acquisition of securities of a body corporate whose issue is managed by that merchant banker, within fifteen days from the date of entering into such a transaction.