SEBI directions to the interoperable segments of stock exchanges to ensure business continuity

Upon discussion with exchanges, it has been decided that to begin with, NSE would act as an alternative trading venue for BSE and vice-a-versa. Both exchanges would prepare a joint SOP that would include plan to be invoked at the time of outage on one exchange along with flow of activity involving the affected exchange and its alternative trading venue and roles/responsibility of each of them. Further, the SOP shall also cover changes, if any, in the systems of stock brokers / CCs to implement the measures. The aforesaid SOP should be submitted to SEBI within 60 days from the date of the Circular.

Centre to e-auction under Open Market Sales Scheme

Food Corporation of India (FCI) has decided to offload a quantity of 25 LMT of wheat in open market under Open Market Sales Scheme (Domestic) [OMSS (D)] 2024 for sale through E-auction to Flour Mills/Manufacturers of wheat products/Processors/End Users of wheat to moderate the price of wheat in open market.