IFSCA (Investment by International Financial Services Centre Insurance Office) Regulations, 2022

The proposed amendments to the International Financial Services Centres Authority (Investment by International Financial Services Centre Insurance Office) Regulations, 2024, reflect IFSCA’s commitment to creating a robust regulatory environment that supports the growth and stability of the insurance sector within IFSCs. By addressing the specific needs of ULIP investments and providing clearer guidelines for investments in the DTA, these amendments aim to enhance the clarity, transparency, and effectiveness of the regulatory framework governing IIOs. Public feedback is crucial to ensuring that these regulations meet the needs of all stakeholders involved.

IFSCA signs MoU with ICMAI to Develop GIFT IFSC as a Global Finance and Accounting Hub

The MoU’s primary objective is to support the export of financial services talent from GIFT IFSC. ICMAI, leveraging its extensive network of overseas chapters and members, will actively disseminate information about the opportunities available within GIFT IFSC. Additionally, ICMAI under the guidance of IFSCA, shall develop academic courses tailored to the specific needs of International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs), aligned to the global best practices.