New Accessibility Standards for the Insurance Sector Announced by Ministry of Finance

On August 20, 2024, the Ministry of Finance’s Department of Financial Services issued a significant notification addressing the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities within the insurance sector. This action aligns with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, which mandates the Central Government to establish accessibility standards across various domains, including physical environments, […]

Draft Collection of Statistics (Amendment) Rules, 2023

The draft rules propose that Individuals are obligated to provide information upon request from authorized statistics officers. The draft rules also emphasize the importance of data protection. Agencies collecting statistics must take measures to ensure information is secure and used only for the intended purposes.

Electricity Deviation Settlement Mechanism Regulations, 2024

The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters) Regulations, 2024, aim to establish a commercial mechanism for penalizing grid users who deviate from their scheduled electricity consumption or generation. These regulations will apply to all grid-connected regional entities and those involved in inter-state electricity trade.

Cabinet approves BioE3 (Biotechnology for Economy, Environment and Employment) Policy for Fostering High Performance Biomanufacturing

The salient features of BioE3 policy include innovation-driven support to R&D and entrepreneurship across thematic sectors. This will accelerate technology development and commercialization by establishing Biomanufacturing & Bio-AI hubs and Biofoundry. Along with prioritizing regenerative bioeconomy models of green growth, this policy will facilitate expansion of India’s skilled workforce and provide a surge in job creation.

Vision Meet on “Insurance for All” by 2047

The discussions covered strategies for providing affordable insurance products, integrating advanced technology, and enhancing the role of the State Insurance Plan. All these discussions and deliberations were aimed at developing a detailed roadmap to achieve the “Insurance for All” vision by 2047.