New Updates To Shops and Establishments Rules in Maharashtra

These changes, outlined in the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2024, focus on enhancing documentation requirements for establishments.
Implications for Establishments:
Documentation Compliance
Administrative Adjustments
Regulatory Alignment

New Social Security Measures for Gig and Platform Workers: What You Need To Know

On July 22, 2024, the Ministry of Labour & Employment shared important updates regarding social security measures for gig and platform workers in India. The introduction of these social security measures represents a major step forward in recognizing and supporting gig and platform workers, who often face job insecurity and lack of traditional benefits. As the gig economy continues to grow, having a robust social security system in place will help provide stability and protection for millions of workers

New Changes to the F.L.-10 License Fee in Chhattisgarh

The Government of Chhattisgarh on July 16th 2024, suppressed an older notification related to annual license fees for wholesale purchase, storage and sale of foreign liquor. The new notification is regarding changes in the annual license fees for the F.L.-10 License. This license is essential for businesses involved in the wholesale purchase, storage, and sale of foreign liquor.

Rajasthan Government Introduces New TCS Rates

On July 19, 2024, the Government of Rajasthan issued an amendment to its earlier notification .This amendment specifically addresses the rate of Tax Collected at Source (TCS).
The revised notification introduces a reduction in the TCS rate. Previously set at 0.5%, the rate will now be halved to 0.25%.

New Agra Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024

On July 22, 2024, The Ministry of Defence released the Draft Agra Cantonment Board Solid Waste Management Bye-laws, 2024. They represent a significant step toward improving waste management in the area. By focusing on waste segregation, efficient collection, and proper disposal, these regulations aim to foster a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

New Vendor Rating System Introduced For Rooftop Solar Industry

The Vendor Rating Programme (VRP) will assess vendors on various parameters, including workmanship, component quality, installation practices, and safety standards. The ratings will be displayed on a national portal, enabling consumers to make informed choices when selecting vendors.

New Hand Transplant Registry System on NOTTO Web Portal

The National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) has announced the registration for hand transplant recipients on its web portal. OTTO has authorized hand transplant centers and hospitals to register hand transplant recipients under the “BONE” category within the tissue section.

Government Enhances Recognition for Deceased Organ Donors and Families

In addition to the funeral assistance, the MoHFW has authorized a felicitation ceremony for deceased organ donors and their families. This involves presenting a shawl, certificate with frame, and flowers to the deceased donor’s family member(s) at the time of donation. The maximum cost per donor is Rs. 1,000.