Master Circular on Operations and Allied Matters of Insurers

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has strengthened the governance measures on the operations and allied matters of the insurers in the Master Circular issued under part B of the IRDA (Protection of Policyholders’ Interests, Operations and Allied Matters of Insurers) Regulations, 2024 repealing 11 circulars.

IFSCA issues Request for Proposal for Core Supervisory Technology System

IFSCA intends to select an IT Solution Provider (SP) to design, develop, implement, operate, and maintain the Core Supervisory Technology (Core SupTech) System of IFSCA and has issued RFP for the said purpose. The notice inviting tender for Selection of an SP for the Core SupTech System can be accessed at the portal.

New Safety Standards Introduced for Electric Vehicles in India

BIS has introduced two new standards, IS 18590: 2024 and IS 18606: 2024, focusing on the critical components of EVs – the powertrain (motor, transmission) and batteries. The standards mandate stringent safety requirements to ensure reliable and secure operation.

Guidelines For Withdrawal of Life Support In Terminally Ill Patients

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) has issued new guidelines for healthcare providers on withdrawing or withholding life support in terminally ill patients. These guidelines will be available in the public domain for public comments for a period of 1 month.

Referral Policy For Hospitals in Delhi NCR

The policy discourages unnecessary transfers between tertiary hospitals. Resuscitation and first-aid are mandatory before referral. Terminally ill or brain-dead patients are generally not referred unless organ transplantation is a possibility, following patient counseling.

New Mobile Inspection App Streamlines PCI Inspection Process

Inspectors must prioritize data security by safeguarding sensitive information and avoiding unauthorized access. Inspectors must also record inspection findings directly within the app for accurate and timely reporting and enable location services to geotag captured photos.