Minimum Wages in India

The Indian Constitution defines ‘Minimum Wage’ as the income level necessary for both skilled and unskilled workers to maintain a satisfactory standard of living and experience comfort. The minimum wage aims to achieve sustainable continuous growth while ensuring the minimum required level of employment. Its primary objective is to prevent labor exploitation.

India Promotes Organ Donation Movement

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued letters urging governors of all states and union territories to create awareness among students of all universities. Citizens can pledge organ donation online on NOTTO website or by scanning the QR code available through NOTTO website.

SEBI has issued a Master Circular for Research Analysts

As per the circular, stock Exchanges shall now be recognised entities for administration and supervision of Research Analysts (‘RAs’) and Investment Advisers (‘IAs’) named RAASB- Research Analyst Administration and Supervisory Body IAASB- Investment Adviser Administration and Supervisory Body respectively. In order to ensure efficiency in the system and economies of scale, RAASB and IAASB shall be one and the same stock exchange.