Delhi Gears Up to Fight Mosquito-Borne Diseases

With the arrival of mosquito season, the Delhi Municipal Corporation has urged all institutions to take action against mosquito breeding grounds. Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD) will take legal action against institutions that create mosquito breeding grounds.

IFSCA clarification regarding Import of gold and silver by Indian Banks through India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Limited (IIBX)

It has been decided to permit the Indian Banks, authorized by the RBI to import gold/silver, to directly access the trading system of the IIBX, without the need for a Bullion Trading Member, for undertaking such import on behalf of their clients. However, such banks (referred to as ‘SCC Banks’ hereafter in this Circular) shall utilize the services of an IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) registered as a Bullion Clearing Member for clearing of their purchase transactions.

Ministry of Law and Justice organises Conference titled ‘India’s Progressive Path in the Administration of Criminal Justice System’

The Conference aims at bringing out the highlights of the three criminal laws and organise meaningful interactions through technical and Q & A sessions. Besides, judges of various courts, advocates, academicians, representatives of law enforcement agencies, police officials, public prosecutors, district administration officials and law students shall be participating in the Conference.

NMC Extends Deadline for Annual Declaration

The present notice highlights that some institutions have not yet uploaded their annual declaration details. Hence, NMC has decided to extend the deadline for submission of this declaration till April 25, 2024.