Launch of RBI’s new website and mobile application
The new website and mobile application of the Reserve Bank of India was released which can be accessed using the URL The new mobile application of Reserve Bank of India can be downloaded from Play store for Android users and App Store for iOS users.
SEBI invites comments on Draft Circular for relaxation in requirement of intimation of changes in the terms of Private Placement Memorandum of Alternative Investment Funds through Merchant Banker
To facilitate ease of doing business and rationalize cost of compliance for AIFs, it is proposed that changes in certain terms of PPM may not be required to be submitted through a merchant banker and may be filed directly with SEBI.
IFSCA has launched Filing of Schemes or funds under IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations 2022
The FME shall ensure that the PPM of each Scheme or Fund, inter-alia, contains the detailed illustrative/ diagrammatic/ graphical representation of the Scheme or Fund Structure and broad details of the target investors and the portfolio investments.
IFSCA Banking Handbook PRU Directions v5.0
The Governing Body must ensure that the IBU’s senior management establishes and implements policies to give effect to these rules. The Governing Body must approve significant policies and any material changes to them and must ensure that the policies are fully integrated with each other.
IFSCA Banking Handbook COB Directions v6.0
International Financial Services Centres Authority has issued the IFSCA Banking Handbook COB Directions v6.0. These directions specify the activities that the Banking Units (BUs) may undertake.