Delhi Launches Emergency Measures As Delhi-NCR Air Quality Deteriorates Rapidly

Taking immediate action to prevent further deterioration, the Sub-Committee has decided to invoke Stage-III of the revised GRAP – ‘Severe’ Air Quality (Delhi’s AQI ranging between 401-450) in the entire NCR. This is in addition to the preventive/restrictive actions already in force under Stage-I and Stage-II of GRAP in the region.

New Rules Unveiled to Boost Ease of Doing Business in Green Hydrogen and Energy Storage Sectors

To rationalize open access charges, the rules state that for consumers availing General Network Access or Open Access, the additional surcharge will be progressively reduced and eliminated within four years. Importantly, the surcharge will only apply to consumers who are or have been customers of the concerned Distribution licensee, sparing those who have never been customers from this additional cost.