Central Motor Vehicles (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2023
Renewal of certificate of fitness in respect of transport vehicles shall be within two years for vehicles up to eight years old and one year for vehicles older than eight years.
Extension of last date to receive comments & counter comments on TRAI Consultation Paper on “Review of Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting and Cable services”
TRAI has decided to further extend the last date for submission of comments and counter-comments up to 3rd October 2023 and 17th October 2023, respectively.
Extension of last date to receive counter comments on TRAI’s Consultation Paper on ‘Regulatory Mechanism for Over-The-Top (OTT) Communication Services, and Selective Banning of OTT Services’
Keeping in view the request of an industry association for extension of time for submission of counter comments, it has been decided to extend the last date for submission of counter comments up to 29.09.2023.
TRAI releases Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2023
The amendment is issued because the Authority, during its consultations on Audit manual, received the feedback that owing to its benefits the IPTV based DPOs are switching to DRM technology. It is necessary that the Audit regime covers the DRM based networks and provides for enabling provisions for such operators.
Draft Karnataka State Road Safety Authority Rules, 2023
The Government of Karnataka’s commitment to road safety is reflected in this initiative, which seeks to engage the public and experts in shaping effective road safety policies. It is an opportunity for citizens to actively participate in the process of making Karnataka’s roads safer for all, and their valuable input can contribute to the development of comprehensive and effective road safety regulations.
Corrigendum Issued for Delhi Health Service (Teaching Cadre of Homoeopathy) Rules, 2023
In the original notification, Schedule III, specifically at Serial Number 1, related to the post of Principal, there was a discrepancy in the “Field of Selection and minimum qualifying service for promotion” column. The notification initially stated “Professors in level 14 (Rs. 144200-218200/-)” as the qualification requirement. However, the corrigendum has rectified this error and replaced it with “Professors in level 13 (Rs. 123100-215900/-).”
Notification of Fee Structure for MBA and MCA Programs in Andhra Pradesh
Students and educational institutions are encouraged to refer to the corrected G.O.Ms.No.92, Higher Education (RM), dated September 14, 2023, for the accurate fee structure information for MBA and MCA programs in Andhra Pradesh for the block period of 2023-24 to 2025-26.
West Bengal issues Guidelines for bonus dues to workers for Durga Puja
The Government of West Bengal has appealed to all employers and employees of the state covered under payment of Bonus Act, 1965 to follow the guidelines issued for bonus dues to workers for Durga Puja in 2023. All payments of bonus should be completed by 6th October, 2023.
Amendment in Export Policy of Food Supplements Containing Botanicals
This amendment introduces stricter regulations on the export of food supplements containing botanicals to the EU and UK, aiming to ensure the quality and safety of such products for human and animal consumption. The involvement of designated Competent Authorities and accredited laboratories will enhance the scrutiny and verification of these supplements before export.