National framework for promoting energy storage systems

Government of India has issued a national framework for promoting energy storage systems to support the development and deployment of ESS through policy and regulatory measures, financial and fiscal incentives, and performance-based incentives.

National Medical Commission (NMC) has decided that thursday (11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) of every week is designated as redressal/public hearing time

Secretary NMC, with officials from all divisions, shall be hearing all the aggrieved representatives/ person/candidates etc. during this time. Those who wish to present their grievance in person may send brief details of their grievance at least 2 days in advance by email to grievance cell in Upon receipt of confirmation of the date, applicant can schedule a physical visit. A maximum of 2 individuals for each matter may please remain present at the assigned date.

Revised guidelines for Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum

CBME Curriculum shall follow the direction whereby In subjects that have two papers, the learner must secure minimum 40% of marks in aggregate (both papers together) to pass in the said subject. A candidate shall obtain 50% marks in aggregate and 60:40 (minimum) or 40:60 (minimum) in University conducted examination separately in Theory and in Practical (practical includes; practical/clinical and viva voce) in order to be declared as passed in that subject.