CDSCO notifies COVID-19 vaccines approved for Manufacture for Sale or for Distribution
The CDSCO has approved COVISHIELD & COVAXIN vaccines for manufacture for sale or distribution in the country. It has also approved 15 more COVID-19 vaccines for Primary vaccination series for Restricted Use in Emergency Situation in the country.
CDSCO warns against Dispatch of Same Batch of Cough Syrups to Multiple Test Centres
CDSCO has stated that it has observed that cough syrup samples of same batch number, manufactured by the same manufacturer (for export purpose) is being received by two different laboratories for testing purposes. The CDSCO has emphasised that this is highly objectionable and not acceptable.
CPCB issues Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crushing Units
Stone crushing operation releases a substantial amount of fugitive dust, which not only pollutes the environment, but also poses a health hazards to the workers and the surrounding population. This poses a challenge to maintain the ambient air quality, which is possible if environmental guidelines predetermined by the industry concerned are followed.
MNRE extends timeline for Self-Certification of SPV Inverters under Quality Control Order, 2017
The ministry has provided this extension on account of the limited availability of test facilities and in order to provide additional time for compliance with the QCO. Thus the implementation of Quality Control Order, 2017 for SPV inverters (items 4-5) stands extended from 30th June, 2023 to 31st December, 2023 or till further orders, based on self- certification.
MNRE approves PAU Dry Fermentation Small Biogas Plant Designs
The approved Biogas Plant Designs/ Models will be considered eligible for the benefits under the MNRE’s Biogas Programme. The MNRE also has reserved the right to cancel or modify the approval at any time in the future based on feedback received from end users/ BIS/ Technical Agencies/ Implementing Agencies.
Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Bill, 2023
The proposed legislation seeks to decriminalize a total of 183 provisions found in 42 Central Acts that are administered by 19 Ministries/Departments. The main objective is to ensure that citizens, businesses, and government departments operate without the fear of imprisonment for minor, technical, or procedural defaults.
Clarification regarding Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market
The circular provides the norms for conducting arbitration and the eligibility criteria to apply for it and conduct it.
Master Circular for Alternative Investment Funds
All applicants desirous of seeking registration as an Alternative Investment Fund (‘AIF’) are required to submit their applications only online, through the SEBI Intermediary Portal at
Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2018
No person shall conduct, organize or assist in organizing any stock exchange or clearing corporation unless he has obtained recognition from the Board in accordance with the Act, rules and these regulations.
NSE revises penalty structure for unauthorized trades
The penalty for unauthorized trades shall be determined by Investor Grievance Redressal Committee (IGRC)/Arbitration. Monetary Penalty per case shall be Rs.50,000/- or 3% of the admissible amount determined in the IGRC/Arbitration order/award, whichever is higher.