IRDAI launches dedicated email IDs as single Point(s) of correspondence for online registration of Insurance Marketing Firms (IMFs and Self Networking Platforms (ISNPs) of insurance intermediaries
The applicants seeking NOC or applying for CoR are advised to send their applications or related requests only to the dedicated email addresses mentioned below till the portals are revamped:
Clarification regarding applicability of Tax Collection at Source to small Debit/Credit Transactions under LRS
To avoid any procedural ambiguity, it has been decided that any payments by an individual using their international Debit or Credit cards up to Rs 7 lakh per financial year will be excluded from the LRS limits and hence, will not attract any TCS.
TRAI Clarification on ‘Tariff Plan Verification’
Any tariff may be subjected to fresh examination as per statutory mandate of the Authority on receipt of complaint of non-compliance to regulatory principles, including allegation of predatory nature of tariff by any stakeholder including TSP(s).
CBDT proposes new valuation methods for valuation of shares
Rule 11UA currently prescribes two valuation methods with respect to valuation of shares namely, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Net Asset Value (NAV) method for resident investors. It is proposed to include 5 more valuation methods, available for non-resident investors, in addition to the DCF and NAV methods of valuation.
TRAI Consultation Paper on “Issues Related to Low Power Small Range FM Radio Broadcasting”
Keeping in view the request received from the stakeholder for extension of time for submission of comments on the above-mentioned consultation paper, TRAI has been decided to extend the last date for submission of comments and counter-comments up to May 22, 2023 and June 05, 2023 respectively.
National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions 5th (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2023
It is clarified that all the State Governments/Union Territories shall, as soon as may be but within two year and six months from the date of commencement of the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021, constitute State Allied and Healthcare Councils.
Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023
The new provisions provides that it shall be the duty of all officers, other employees and agents of a party which are under investigation to preserve and to produce all information, books, papers, other documents and records of, or relating to, the party which are in their custody or power to the Director General or any person authorized by it in this behalf; and to give all assistance in connection with the investigation to the Director General and to give testimony under oath.