SEBI Master Circular for Stock Brokers
The master circular provides that Stock Exchanges shall verify the antecedents of the applicant before granting admission as a member of Stock Exchange and also submit a declaration at the time of forwarding the applications for registration with SEBI, to the effect that the member has not been convicted of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty.
FAQ’s on filing of announcements in XBRL format on NSE Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) platform
Agreements (viz. shareholder agreement(s), joint venture agreement(s), family settlement agreement(s) (to the extent that it impacts management and control of the listed entity), agreement(s)/treaty(ies)/contract(s) with media companies) which are binding and not in normal course of business, revision(s) or amendment(s) and termination(s) thereof shall be disclosed.
BSE FAQ’s on Filing of announcements in XBRL format
BSE vide notice dated 16 May 2023 has issued FAQ’s on Filing of announcements in XBRL format on BSE listing center content.
Ministry of Food Processing Industries issues caution notice against fake recruiting advertisement in the name of Food Processing Corporation of India
Caution against fake advertisement is spreading in the name of Food Processing Corporation of India (FPCI) through the website
Issue of driving license to divyangjan for e-rickshaws/ e-carts
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is enabling greater inclusivity and accessibility in providing speedy licensing and registration facilities to Divyangjan.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees Services) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023
SEBI Regulations amendment made changes regarding qualification for officers in the Legal Stream in Grade ‘A’.
Enabling features to upload ESI beneficiary photograph in BPA portal for all direct/emergency cases admitted in tie up hospitals for cashless medical treatment
Feature to click and upload the real time photo of ESI beneficiary by TUH in direct/emergency cases through any equipment has been enabled by the UTI-ITSL in their portal for ease of identification and verification of admitted beneficiary.