Styrene (Vinyl Benzene) (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2023
This Amendment Order has extended the timeline for enforcement of Styrene (Vinyl Benzene) (Quality Control) Order, 2022. The Styrene (Vinyl Benzene) (Quality Control) Order, 2022 shall come into force on the 24th day of April, 2024.
Procedure for Implementation of Section 12A of ‘The Weapons of Mass Destruction and their Delivery Systems Act, 2005′
All Financial Institutions are required to verify if the particulars of the entities/individual, party to the financial transactions, match with the particulars of designated list and in case of match, REs shall not carry out such transaction and shall immediately inform the transaction details with full particulars of the funds, financial assets or economic resources involved to the CNO by email, FAX and by post, without delay.
Settlement of Trades for Buyback in Open market
Trades executed in BO series shall be cleared and settled on a gross obligations basis. Settlement shall be compulsorily done in dematerialised mode. All trades shall be settled under settlement type ‘Z’ and settlement guarantee shall be provided.
Draft Guidelines for Equitable Opportunity to the Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups in HEIs
These guidelines seek to improve equitable access to quality education for SEDGs through bridge courses, earnwhile-learn, and outreach programmes. They also seek to set up Equal Opportunity Cell for the purpose of sensitization of all stakeholders, policy implementation, monitoring, equalizing access to inclusive quality higher education, ensuring respectful dignity, promoting egalitarian and constitutional values, and grievance redressal in Higher Education Institutions in India.
Clarification on Laying of Underground OFC or Telecom Cables on National Highways
The clarification states that utility services shall normally be permitted to cross national highways either through structure or conduits especially built for that purpose. The casing/ conduit pipe should extend from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope and toe of slope in fills.
Income of Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission exempted from income tax
This shall apply with respect to the assessment years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026.
Clarification regarding Registration of Importers as per provision of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2023
CPCB has requested concerned authorities to consider clearance of above-mentioned import consignments, based on the proof of submission of application for registration on the portal. The real-time status of the submitted application is also available in the National Dashboard section of the centralized EPR Portal (