ESIC orders guarantee of medical services to ESI Beneficiaries at ESIC Hospitals
All Head of Offices of ESIC hospitals and Medical Colleges are directed to ensure availability of Faculty/ Specialists/ Medical Officers (PG) in the hospitals during emergency hours so that any available in-house medical services are not being denied to the beneficiary and any undue referral is avoided.
BSE publishes Master Circular on IT
The Master Circular in respect of IT has been prepared in order to enable the Market Participants to have an access to all the applicable circulars/communications at one place. This Master Circular is a compilation of the circulars/communications issued by BSE up to March 2023. It shall supersede previous circulars / directions.
TRAI extends the timeline for comments on consultation paper: ‘Introduction of Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Provider Authorization under Unified License’
Written comments on the Consultation Paper were previously invited from the stakeholders by 09th March, 2023 and counter-comments, if any, by 23rd March, 2023. TRAI has now extended this timeline, hence comments may be sent by the stakeholders by 6th April, 2023 and counter-comments, if any, by 20th April, 2023.
NDMC invites comments on Draft Cellular Tower Policy
This NDMC Policy pertains to the installation of communication towers by Cellular and Basic Telecom Operators on Rooftop/ Ground Base within the premises and in the area under the jurisdiction of the New Delhi Municipal Council. Suggestions/ comments may be sent by email at address up to 02.04.2023.
ESIC waives-off recovery of excess payment of pay and allowances in Pharmacists Cadre
ESIC will no longer be recovering excess payment of pay and allowances due to wrongful grant of the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP in Pharmacists Cadre.
UIDAI makes online document update in Aadhaar free of cost
Residents may login on using their Aadhaar number. One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to registered mobile number, one has to just click on ‘Document Update’ and the existing details of resident will be displayed. An Aadhaar holder needs to verify the details, if found correct, click on the next hyper-link. In the next screen, the resident has to choose Proof of Identity and Proof of Address document from the dropdown list and upload the copies of the same to update his/her documents. The list of updated and acceptable PoA and PoI documents is available on official website of UIDAI.
Clarifications regarding implementation of the Steel Scrap Recycling Policy
. The policy provides a framework to facilitate and promote establishment of metal scrapping centres in India for scientific processing and recycling of ferrous scrap generated from various sources.
TRAI extends the due date for submission of comments about draft Quality of Service (Code of Practice for Metering and Billing Accuracy) Regulations, 2023
The last date of submission of comments by the stakeholders was 17.03.2023. it has been decided to extend the last date of submission of comments on the draft regulations and the draft guidelines for this regulation, by 3-weeks i.e. up to 07th April 2023.
Action plan to undertake pedestrian count study and reduce pedestrian deaths based on directions of Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety (SCCoRS)
The action plan has clarified that Pedestrians facilities should be planned in an integrated manner with an aim to reduce pedestrian conflicts with vehicular traffic to the minimum and to ensure safe and smooth pedestrian flow. This necessitates road engineering interventions for pedestrian safety.
BSE clarification regarding Manner of filing financial results as required under regulation 33 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Listed entities are requested to note that the PDF of outcome of board meeting held to consider and approve financial results must only include financial results, Auditor’s report and other statements as prescribed under Regulation 33, Part A of Schedule IV of the regulation and related circulars.