BSE releases New Module for filing information on BSE Listing Center
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015 requires that the listed entities maintain a functional website containing basic information about the Company. For effective enforcement of these Regulations, BSE has developed a new module in BSE Listing Centre. All listed entities will be required to provide the URLs of the specified information in the prescribed manner.
NSE issues FAQs on filing announcements in XBRL format on NEAPS Platform
The Circular lists a toral of 18 FAQs and are intended to be an addition to the demo sessions held on the filing of announcements in XBRL format on NEAPS platform. These FAQs are intended to serve as a guidance for concerned stakeholders.
FSSAI list of Recognised Food Testing Laboratories
The list includes information on the validity of the NABL accreditation, the scope of testing, the contact details of the laboratory, the name of the analyst and the certificate numbers of the laboratory.
Draft Electricity Plan Notification (Amendment) Rules, 2023
Ministry of Power (MoP) has notified the Draft Electricity Plan Notification (Amendment) Rules, 2023. This Draft Amendment was notified on 8th February, 2023. The Draft Amendment seeks to revise the manner of notification of the national electricity plan.
NMC issues public notice on online application for eligibility certificate
The notice states that the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences may fix the tentative date for the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) in the month of June 2023. Hence, all such candidates requiring an Eligibility Certificate shall apply through the NMC’s website from 9th February, 2023 onwards. The last date for submission of the application is 8th March, 2023 at 6pm.
ICAI has invited comments to the Technical Guide on Financial Statements of Limited Liability Partnerships
For the purpose of applicability of AS issued by the ICAI, non-company entities are classified into four categories viz., Level I, Level II, Level III and Level IV noncompany entities. Level I non-company entities are required to comply fully with all the AS. Level IV, Level III and Level II non-company entities are considered as Micro, Small and Medium Sized Entity (MSMEs) that have been granted certain exemptions/relaxations by the ICAI.
RBI extends UPI for Inbound Travellors to India through Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies
It is now proposed to permit all inbound travellers to India also to access UPI for their merchant payments (P2M) while they are in the country. To start with, this facility will be extended to travellers from the G-20 countries, arriving at select international airports. Going forward, this facility will be enabled across all other entry points in the country. Necessary operational instructions will be issued shortly.
RBI Extends Market Trading Hours to pre-pandemic level
It has now been decided to also restore market hours in respect of government securities from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM to 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Accordingly, with effect from Monday, February 13, 2023, the revised trading hours for markets regulated by the Reserve Bank shall be in effect.