International Financial Services Centres Authority (Investment by International Financial Service Centre Insurance Office) Draft Regulations, 2022.

The IIO shall have a Board approved Investment Policy, which shall, inter-alia, provide for situations of breaches, action plans to address breaches, provisions for providing Economic Capital, if required. IIOs shall value all of its assets and liabilities, and maintain solvency margin in accordance with the regulations issued by the Authority in this regard.

Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) adopted by Doctors.

The General Insurers are advised to consider capturing / collecting HPR ID as a verification to validate / authenticate the medical practitioners while issuing / renewing policies for Medical Malpractice under Professional Indemnity cover. This will enable the digitization and ease the process of buying and selling the Professional Indemnity policies and push for HPR registration among the healthcare professionals.

Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Determining Capacity of Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Pipeline) Amendment Regulations, 2022

Wherever there is any change in the capacity of natural gas pipeline in the past or in future due to reason(s) as approved by the PNGRB’s Board, in such cases entity shall submit the revised capacity of the natural gas pipeline, separately due to each such reasons, to PNGRB in terms of these regulations for capacity determination and approval of the Board.