DGFT has revised the policy condition of coal importing monitoring system.
The Automatic Registration Number shall remain valid for a period of 75 days. Importer shall have to enter the Registration Number and expiry date of Registration in the Bill of Entry to enable Customs for clearance of consignment.
MNRE notifies National Bio Energy Programme.
Waste to Energy Programme (Programme on Energy from Urban, Industrial and Agricultural Wastes /Residues) to support setting up of large Biogas, BioCNG and Power plants (excluding MSW to Power projects).
Ministry of Power issues Amendment in Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EV).
A Committee under Central Electricity Authority (CEA) will periodically recommend to the State Government the ceiling limit of service charges to be levied and This Committee shall also recommend “time of the day rate ” for service charges as well as the discount to be given for charging during solar hours.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting implements Broadcast Air-Time Scheduler (BATS) for all Commercial Operations of All India Radio.
The most important advantage of full implementation of BATS will be to make the Receivable Management more effective and transparent. This will ensure that revenue leakages are avoided and will ensure 100% revenue assurance for the services rendered.
Draft Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2022
The amendment proposes that the hot mix plants shall follow the The Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and workers shall be provided with personal protective equipments.
University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022
Universities offering Ph.D shall notify a prospectus well in advance on the institution’s website specifying the number of seats for admission, subject/discipline-wise distribution of available seats, criteria for admission, the procedure for admission, and all other relevant information for the candidates.