SEBI issues circular on Standardisation of Rating Scales Used by Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs).

Issuer rating / Corporate Credit Rating indicates the degree of safety of the issuer or the rated entity with regard to timely servicing of all its debt obligations. Pursuant to the consultation with the CRAs, standardised symbols and their definitions have been devised for Issuer Rating / Corporate Credit Rating. The new symbols and definitions as notified in these guidelines shall henceforth be used for the new ratings/ reviews by the CRAs for Issuer Rating / Corporate Credit Rating.

RBI to launch its first pilot in the Digital Rupee – Wholesale segment from 1st November 2022.

The use of e₹-W is expected to make the inter-bank market more efficient. Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee infrastructure or for collateral to mitigate settlement risk. Going forward, other wholesale transactions, and cross-border payments will be the focus of future pilots, based on the learnings from this pilot.