IRDAI notifies Insurance cover for new-borns/infants under health insurance policies.

As per Clause (1) of Chapter –II on ‘exclusions not allowed under health insurance policies’ issued vide Master circular on Standardisation in Health insurance Business dated 22.7.2022 wherein it has been mandated that internal congenital diseases, genetic diseases or disorders are not allowed to be incorporated as exclusions in the terms and conditions of the policy contract. The intent of the above provision is to cover newborns with internal congenital birth defects from day one.

FSSAI allows issue of provisional NOC for food consignments

Authorised Officers are directed to carry out a visual inspection and upon satisfaction, shall draw samples and issue Provisional No Objective Certificate (P-NOC) without waiting for the analysis report from the laboratory. The Authorised Officer shall issue the final No Objection Certificate, on receipt of the analysis report from the laboratory, if the product conforms to the FSSAI standards.