SEBI notifies framework on Social Stock Exchange.

All Social Enterprises (SEs) will have to provide duly audited Annual Impact Report (AIR) to SSE within 90 days from the end of Financial Year. The AIR shall capture the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the social impact generated by the entity and where applicable, the impact that is generated by the project or solution for which funds have been raised on SSE.

SEBI issues circular on Validation of Instructions for Pay-In of Securities from Client demat account to Trading Member (TM) Pool Account against obligations received from the Clearing Corporations.

Under this framework, the Depositories, prior to executing actual transfer of the securities for Pay-In from client demat account to TM Pool account, shall validate the transfer instruction received through any of the available channels for the purpose of Pay-in, i.e. either initiated by clients themselves or by the Power of Attorney (POA) / Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction (DDPI) holder against the client-wise net delivery obligation received from clearing corporation (CC)

Atomic Regulatory Board of India Safety Standards

The provisions of this standard are applicable to civil engineering structures of Nuclear Facilities. In some instances, the requirements are set to apply to Nuclear Power Plants, but they may be applied to other NFs suitably, using a graded approach based upon the potential for radiological impact.