The Electronic Duty Credit Ledger (Amendment) Regulations, 2022.

The duty credit available in the e-scrip in the ledger shall be used for payment of duties of Customs specified in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The e-scrip shall be valid for a period of 2 years from the date of its creation in the ledger and any duty credit in the said e-scrip remaining unutilized at the end of this period shall lapse

The Central Motor Vehicles (Fifteenth Amendment) Rules, 2022.

No application for trade certificate shall be refused by the registering authority unless the applicant is given an opportunity of being heard and reasons for such refusal are given in writing. Trade certificate along with dealership authorisation certificate shall be exhibited at a conspicuous place at show room and workshop or service center.”

PCI publishes fake message alert

The PCI has warned pharmacy institutes against fake messages send from mail id regarding software purchase invoice, MS authorization vendor etc.