The Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty or for Specified End Use) Rules, 2022.
Where a Bill of Entry is cleared for home consumption, the bond submitted by the importer gets debited automatically in the customs automated system and the details shall be made available electronically to the jurisdictional Customs Officer.
TRAI releases Consultation Paper on Draft Telecommunication (Broadcasting And Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems) (Fourth Amendment) Regulations, 2022.
The term DRM (Digital Rights Management), herein, refers to the management of the encryption systems for, inter-alia, providing the functionality of CAS and SMS for the Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) service provider under these regulations.
Union Government introduced several reforms in partnership with States to boost Ease of Doing Business in the Coal sector.
The stakeholders are also informed about the country’s target to cut the emissions to Net Zero target by 2070 which may pressurize the coal sector not only to adopt more sustainable mining practices but also be ready for the transition
Ministry of Consumer Affairs releases handbook on Safety in Electrical Installations and Guide for Using National Building Code of India 2016.
The handbook creates awareness about Electrical Safety and provides technical guidance for wiring installations in buildings.
SEBI requests submission of information pertaining to Unclaimed Non-convertible Securities listed by non companies
All entities which do not fall within the definition of ‘Company’ under the Companies Act, 201 and which had listed non-convertible securities; shall submit information regarding the unclaimed interest/ dividend and/ or principal/ redemption amount on the said instruments as on August 31, 2022.
Guidelines for Celebration of Swachhata Pakhwada
All the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIS) and their affiliated colleges/institutions are requested to formulate and implement their plans during September 1- 15 2022 of ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ and give wide publicity to the same.
UGC clarifies that degrees awarded through distance mode is equivalent to degrees awarded through conventional mode
The undergraduate and post graduate degrees and post graduate diplomas awarded through open and distance mode by institutions of higher educations recognized by UGC shall therefore be treated in par with undergraduate and post graduate degrees and post graduate diplomas awarded through conventional mode.