DGS issues circular on use of bio-fuel and its blend as fuel on board Indian flagged ship.
In order to maintain quality control throughout the supply chain, suppliers should have a documentation to help identify product origins back to the manufacturing source and the various links in the chain to enable traceability, especially if problems arise to help pinpoint the source of the problem and take remedial action.
NMC issues circular on implementation of Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Portal (PMNDP) in medical colleges.
It is further informed that the portal is fully functional and well-stabilized. If any training is required to operate the portal, it will be organized by the National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC).
SEBI notifies amendments to guidelines for preferential issue and institutional placement of units by a listed REIT/InvIT.
Under the new guidelines, the REIT/InvITS shall make an application for listing of the units to the stock exchange(s) and the units shall be listed within two working days from the date of allotment.
Horticulture Cluster Development Program – operational guidelines October, 2021
A horticulture cluster is defined as a regional/geographical concentration of targeted horticulture crops,
offering scope for specialization in production, post-harvest management, marketing and exports. These
clusters provide growth and development opportunities to stakeholders.
Draft Central Motor Vehicles(Amendment) Rules, 2022
Objections and suggestions to these draft rules, if any, may be sent to the Joint Secretary (MVL), email: comments-morth@gov.in, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Transport Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001.
Central Motor Vehicles (Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2022
The International Driving Permit shall be printed in the revised Form 6A substitute under this amendment. The permit shall be a booklet in format A6 (148 x 105 mm).
Revised National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction
The Scope of the National Action Plan for Drug Demand Reduction includes preventive education, creation of awareness, elimination of stigmatization and discrimination against individuals dependent on substances and development of human resources and mechanism for rehabilitation.
SPCBS to revoke consent to use Plastic Waste Processors without registration
. The application with complete detail for registration must be submitted by Plastic Waste Processors (recyclers, co-processors, waste to energy plants, waste to oil plants) by August 30, 2022.
Guidelines for Admission and Supernumerary seats of International Students in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes in Higher Educational Institutions
Internationalization of higher education is the process of integrating an international and intercultural dimension in higher education. In order to facilitate the internationalization of Indian HEIs, the University Grants Commission has framed the guidelines for admission and creation of supernumerary seats for international students.
NSE guides to Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report published by SEBI
NSE in association with Stakeholders Empowerment Services has issued 38 sector specific integrated guides to the Business Responsibility & Sustainability Report. The guides seeks to sensitize listed entities about updated disclosure requirements and revised formats for the same.