The Companies (Accounts) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2022.
The amendment is brought under rule, 3 which deals with manner of books of accounts to be kept in electronic mode in which the books of account and other relevant books and papers maintained in electronic mode shall remain accessible in India, at all times so as to be usable for subsequent reference.
RBI notifies responsibilities of regulated entities employing recovery agents
The extant guidelines on permissible hours for calling borrowers on phone for recovery purpose are currently specified in respect of Housing Finance Companies and REs extending microfinance loans.
NMC notifies guidelines for Implementation of NIC Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all medical colleges.
The objective of NMC Dashboard is to provide a seamless and unified view of OPD and IPD transactions happening in medical colleges. Patient Level data will be sent from each HMIS application for OPD and IPD initially. Data for other modules like Lab, OT, etc. will be added later on.
The Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022.
The recognized limited purpose clearing corporation shall put in place a dispute resolution mechanism, for settlement of disputes or claims arising out of transactions cleared and settled by it, in the manner as specified by the Board in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India.
NPPA has intimated that IPDMS portal and Pharma Jan Samadhan portal is temporarily suspended
Any complaints regarding overpricing, shortage, sale without prior approval, refusal of supply or non-availability of drugs shall be mailed to National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority.
Central Motor Vehicles (Twelfth Amendment) Rules, 2022
The amendment provides that the vehicles manufactured on and after the 1st day of April 2016 shall comply with Bharat Stage-IV emission norms for two and three wheeler. CNG vehicles or kit components, including their installation, shall conform to the safety checks enlisted in the amendment.
Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) (Third Amendment) Order, 2022
Consignments shall comply with Systems Approach as per agreed protocol and shall be procured from production area of Idaho, Oregon and Washington and such procurement details shall be endorsed in Phytosanitary certificate.