RBI notifies statement on developmental and regulatory policies.

RBI proposes to issue draft Reserve Bank of India (Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of Financial Services) Directions, 2022, for public comments shortly. The scope of these Directions is being expanded to also include RRBs, Local Area Banks (LABs), All India Financial Institutions, Credit Information Companies, and non-scheduled Payments Banks.

SEBI notifies enhanced guidelines for debenture trustees and listed issuer companies on security creation and initial due diligence.

Before initiating due diligence, a DT and the listed entity shall enter into an amended debenture trust agreement to incorporate the obligations as notified in SEBIs earlier notifications for continuous monitoring and any other stipulations of SEBI from time to time with respect to security creation, initial due diligence and continuous monitoring by DTs. A DT shall carry out due diligence for change in security, creation of security/ additional security and shall issue a no-objection certificate (NOC) to issuer company for going ahead with proposed change in the structure/ creation of security.