CDSCO publishes Draft Guidance document on Overview on Performance Evaluation / External Evaluation of In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device (IVDMD).

The laboratory should maintain records of tests for evaluation and performance carried out on all samples of medical devices and the results thereof together with protocols of tests and the reports showing readings and calculations and such records shall be retained, in case of substances for which an expiry date is assigned, for a period of two years beyond the expiry date, and in the case of other substances, for a period of six years.

Government of Punjab allows shops and establishment to operate 365 days.

Every employee shall be given a rest period of one hour after 5 hours of continuous work and the employees shall not work for more than 9 hours in a day or 48 hours in a week. If the establishment remains open after 10.00 pm on any day, adequate safety and security arrangements shall be ensured for employees and visitors.