DoT notifies guidelines for Captive Non-Public Network (CNPN) license.
Enterprises setting up private captive networks may obtain spectrum on lease from TSPs and establish their own isolated network. Alternatively, enterprises setting up private captive networks may obtain spectrum directly from DoT and establish their own isolated network.
MeitY extends timelines for enforcement of Cyber Security Directions till 25 September, 2022 for MSMEs and for the validation aspects of subscribers/customers details.
Based on the request for the extension of timelines MeitY and CERT-In has decided to provide extension till 25 September, 2022 to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in order to enable them to build capacity required for the implementation of the Cyber Security Directions.
DGFT issues clarification on CHIMS.
Based on various representations being received from the members of Trade and Industry, DGFT has clarified that the CHIMS is also applicable for air/sea shipments. The CHIMS registration can also be made on the same day of arrival of import. Importer may include multiple products in one registration number. However, for each shipment, a separate registration number is required.
The Goa Factories (Sixteenth Amendment) Draft Rules, 2022.
The amendment is brought under rule 18-A which deals with power to give directions in which the Chief Inspector or the Inspector may, issue any directions in writing to the occupier or manager or both, any officer or authority appointed by the Government and such occupier or manager or both, such officer or authority shall be bound to comply with such directions.
Indian Nursing Council (Post Basic Diploma in Critical Care Specialty Nursing – Residency Program) Regulations, 2022
The council seeks to expand roles of nurses and advances in critical care alongside technology necessitates additional training to prepare nurses with specialized skills and knowledge to deliver competent, intelligent and appropriate care to critically ill patients.