CEA issues safety advisory to all Thermal Power Generating Utilities.
As per the advisory, Internal Safety Audits must be carried out once a year through cross functional teams/ internal trained staff and records must be maintained. Further, External Safety Audit must be carried out through registered Agencies at a regular periodicity of 2 years and Action Taken Report (ATR) must be prepared & monitored to ensure early closing of pending recommendations. Safety awareness drives must be conducted amongst plant personnel as well as the employees deployed by the Contractors, periodically for the compliance of provisions of safety manuals and to imbibe the safety culture.
The Model Goa Municipal Plastic Waste Management Byelaws, 2022.
As per the byelaw every waste Generator, Institutional Waste Generator, Owner and Occupier shall segregate the plastic waste at source and store the same in blue coloured container duly covered and hand over the same to the waste picker or the agency as authorized and notified by the Council.
The government of Goa notifies fees for units handling bio-medical waste.
The central monitoring committee was set up to review the implementation of the Bio-medical Waste Management (BMWM) Rules, 2016 and it decided that the issue of charging of registration fee is a state-specific issue and comes under the purview of State Pollution Control Boards/Pollution Control Committee.
NMC issues public notice on online filing of information relating to admission made in medical colleges for PG super speciality course.
The decision comes following the Supreme Court’s order and Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)’s notification saying that the last date of admission to PG Super-Specialty course has been extended till May 25.
Drugs (Amendment) Rules, 2022.
The amendment provides that Liquid Antiseptics for household use that are not purchased from a licensed wholesaler or a licensed manufacturer are also exempted form requirement for a sale license in Form 20 or Form 20A.
DGFT launches Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS)
The PIMS will be effective from 01.10.2022.
Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance Base Premium and Liability) Rules, 2022
The rules lays down the base premium for third party insurance for unlimited liability for the various classes of vehicles.
MoHFW enlists drugs that can be sold Over-The-Counter (OTC) by retail
Sale by retail Over-The-Counter without prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(a) The maximum duration of treatment/use should not exceed five days.
(b) If the symptoms do not resolve the patient should consult Registered Medical Practitioner.
(c) Pack size may not exceed the maximum doses recommended for five days.
(d) Each pack of the drug may be accompanied with Patient Information Leaflet (PIL).
(e) The indication claimed should be same as already approved by the Licensing Authority.