SEBI clarification on Discontinuation of usage of pool accounts for transactions in the units of Mutual Funds
Existing mandates being used for Mutual Fund transactions can continue to remain in the name of the stock brokers / clearing members, subject to Stock Exchanges/ Clearing Corporations ensuring that Payment Aggregators (“PA”) puts in place mechanisms wherein beneficiary of the mandate can only be an Approved Account
Revised rates of royalty for minerals
Central Government has amended the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 to revise the RATES OF ROYALTY for minerals.
RBI publishes Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022.
Each RE shall put in place a board-approved policy for assessment of household income. Each RE shall mandatorily submit information regarding household income to the Credit Information Companies (CICs). Reasons for any divergence between the already reported household income and assessed household income shall be specifically ascertained from the borrower/s before updating the assessed household income with CICs.
The Minerals (Other than Atomic and Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) Concession Amendment Rules, 2022.
Through this amendment, a new formula has been notified which shall be used by Indian Bureau of Mines for arriving at the average sale price of Glauconite and Potash.
DGFT operationalised new online IT Module for Interest Equalisation Scheme w.e.f. April 01, 2022.
The UIN generated shall have a validity of 1 year from the date of registration, during which an application for availing benefit of IES can be submitted to the concerned bank. The auto generated Acknowledgement containing UIN number need to be submitted to the concerned bank along with the prescribed application by the bank, if any, for availing benefit under IES.
AICTE notifies eligibility criteria for Admission through Lateral Entry.
The candidate should have Passed Minimum 3-years/ 2 years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category SC/ST) in any branch of Engineering and Technology.